October 15, 2008

The Santa Letters

I was scheduled to go to the hospital for a 'procedure'. I would be sitting by myself for a few hours and did not want to read 3 year old magazines while waiting. I knew exactly what I was going to take with me. The day before, my copy of 'The Santa Letters' had arrived. PERFECT...I'll take that.

I must have looked a treat sitting in the corner with all the faces that this book made me pull. Faces of surprise, relief, compassion, sorrow, joy.

The story is about Emma and how after her husband died in a car accident during the Christmas season a year before. She has been struggling to keep her head above water in the currents of life, as she works and takes care of her four children.

Emma is not looking forward to another Christmas. The memories and the lack of finances culminate to the dread of this Christmas. Six year old McKenna is excited about Christmas because she believes, due to a dream she had, they will experience a miracle.

Then the letters started coming. The letters helped to remind the family of what Christmas was really about and to look beyond their sorrow.

As I read this experience of the Jensen family, I began to think of how I could have the same things happen within my own family. I think of the times 'Santa' came through for us a few Christmases and the faces of my Children. This book was not only a good read, it was also a good inspiration. It has inspired me to make this Christmas a more thoughtful and Christlike time. "The Santa Letters" by Stacy Gooch-Anderson is this Christmas season's 'must read'.

To learn more about this book, the author, or get your own Santa Letter inspiration, go to thesantaletters.org.


Jewel's Gems said...

Great review. This is one of my favorite books as well:o)

Stacy G. Anderson said...

I'm so glad you got the book and that you liked it! Australia is far but it's still part of our (LDS writers and friends)world...;-) And thank you for taking the time to be a part of the tour and for sharing your thoughts. It means the world to me!

All my best,

Tristi Pinkston said...

Awesome review, and thanks for sharing!